Welcome to the Nuclear Solutions Institute at Texas A&M University!
The mission of the Nuclear Solutions Institute is to foster and support collaborative research and education among a variety of units within Texas A&M University. You can read more about our mission.
April 2022: Researchers from across campus gathered at the Cyclotron Institution to celebrate the opening of AggieRad and to discuss isotope opportunities on the TAMU campuses.
October 2021: Information on the NSI Graduate Student Merit Fellowship has been updated. Proposals are due on Monday, November 15, 2021.
June 2021: 211At shipped to MD Anderson
May 2021: NSI is cosponsoring three Nuclear Science Summer Camps for rising high school students
May 2021: on the 21st Jonathan Cohn and Curtis Hunt return as speakers for the virtual seminar and give their lectures from April 30th.
April 2021: on the 30th Jonathan Cohn will give a lecture: Gas-dynamical mass measurement of the supermassive black hole in UGC 2698 with ALMA, and Curtis Hunt will also give a lecture: Study of T=5/2 states in 13B with 12Be(p,p) during the virtual seminar.
March 2021: on the 26th Hyo-In Park and Erika Holmbeck will give their lectures: Intensity of a weak 519-keV γ ray following β decay of the super allowed emitter 34Ar determined via the 33S(p,γ)34Cl reaction and Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis in the Era of Multi-messenger Astronomy respectively as part of the virtual seminar series.
February 2021: on the 26th Ninel Nica is giving a presentation on the Texas A&M US Nuclear DATA Program and Jasleen Matharu is giving her lecture on Tracing star formation in galaxies using spatially resolved H-Alpha emission line maps as part of a virtual seminar.
January 2021: on the 29th Maxwell Sorensen will give a lecture: The Photon Strength Function of 60Fe with DAPPER and Peter Ferguson will also give a lecture: The messy side of the Milky Way: using large surveys to explore our Galaxy’s halo during the virtual seminar.
December 2020: on the 18th a series of virtual joint nuclear and astrophysics seminars will be kicked off with a lecture from Antti Saastamoinen: Constraining the Supernova Equation of State using Heavy Ion Collisions and Stephanie Ho: Kinematics of the Circumgalactic Gas: How Do Galaxies Get Their Gas.
July 2020: Selection of Andrew Rosenstrom as 2020 NSI Grad Fellow
June 2020: Texas A&M awarded grant to develop production of At-211
June 2020: The NSI Graduate Student Merit Fellowship has been announced. Proposals are due on Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
March 2020: A recent Scientific American article highlighted the significance of a CENTAUR experiment to probe the Hoyle state of carbon-12 (necessary for life as we know it), it has implications for our understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis.
March 2019: on the 25th Suzanne Lapi is giving an NSI Seminar: From Isotopes to Images: Novel Radiometals for PET Imaging
October 2018: Ania Kwiatkowski has been awarded by the American Physical Society the 2018 Stuart Jay Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics. The award recognizes outstanding early career experimentalists in nuclear physics. Ania Kwiatkowski received this award for “outstanding and innovative contributions to precision mass measurements, commitment to mentoring of young researchers, and leadership in the low energy nuclear physics community.”
September 2018: on the 18th Sunil S. Chirayath is giving an NSI Seminar: Policy and Technical Fundamentals of International Nuclear Safeguards
July 2018: Texas A&M awarded a part of a five-year DOE/NNSA grant to fund nuclear research for training and workforce development across multiple universities for stewardship science
March 2018: Nuclear physics at Texas A&M has been ranked seventh nationally by U.S. News & World Report!
December 2017: Eric Aboud has been selected to receive the NSI Fellowship for 2018. His project is, “A Directional Detector of Fast Neutrons,” and he is advised by NSI faculty fellow Grigory Rogachev. Congratulations, Eric!
June 2017: Jeremy Holt has been selected to receive a National Science Foundation CAREER award
2017: Isotope workshop held at Texas A&M
November 2016: Element 118 was named Oganesson ( Og) in honor of Yuri Oganessian
2015 : Yuri Oganessian visited Texas A&M as a TIAS (now HIAS) fellow
2014: Grisha Rogachev has been awarded a Welch Foundation grant